Monday, February 15, 2016

Pasta Salad

Nikaela made this for me as well and it's oh so good!

Start with about 2 cups pasta uncooked. Cook the pasta. Drain it but don't rinse it. (I usually do this earlier so its cool and the cheese doesn't melt when I add it.) Then start adding mayo and mixing it in until it is about as moist as you want. Then the 4 spices you use are Season Salt, Lemon pepper, Garlic salt and Onion Powder. I make it in a big bowl and measure the spices this way: Cover the top twice with Season Salt and then once with lemon pepper, garlic, and onion. But I always end up tasting and adjusting a little. Remember you can always add more!  These are my favorite things to add after that: cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, celery, shredded carrot and olives. You can of course add whatever you want, but add the shredded carrot last because otherwise it turns it all orangey.

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