Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random meal

This is a REALLY last minute meal. I wasn't going to take a picture and add it to the blog but Porter and Daddy insisted that we take a picture as always. It is kind of Halloweenie though :)

It's a RANDOM combination of potato wedges (cut up potatoes and seasoned with a 'potatoe wedge season package') Boney breadsticks (breadstick dough shaped like bones and salted with kosher coarse salt) and Beanie Weenies (sliced hot dogs, Pork-n-beans, diced chilli peppers and of course cheese, warmed up in the microwave)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Kathryn... Are you in charge of this blog? I love it! I want to share fun recipes on it. can I? can I? PLEASE!!!!