Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Try them, try them and you may I say :)

Ok I know all of you know this trick...Fun for st Patricks day, April fools day or if you want to do a lesson in preschool centered around trying new things and reading Green eggs and Ham.

Simply add green food coloring to whatever you are making, In my case; Scrambled eggs

HA! Enjoy

PS The kids weren't to keen on the idea of eating green eggs but did it and realized they tasted just as good as our normal ones. We often refer to that book and that lesson when I make something new for the family to try. I tell them You don't have to like it but you must TRY it.

1 comment:

The Scotts said...

Soooo glad to see that you are updating this blog again, yay! I did green pancakes for St Patricks complaints from Jalynn, she'll eat anything!